Club Night March 2025 - WNAA
Nick Lilley, Thursday, 13 March 2025
The room at our March Club Night was jammed to capacity. Admittedly it wasn’t our usual spacious venue but the attendance figure exceeded fifty which was an impressive turnout. Keith Brown from the WNAA (Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance) gave us a comprehensive overview of their operations, interspersing his affable style with informative slides and videos. I’m going to spare you all the facts and figures, you can access them for yourselves at
Suffice to say that where speed is of the essence, the WNAA helicopter comes into its own. However, when the helicopters are unable to fly WNAA have a small fleet of equally well equipped Critical Care Cares which are similarly effective.
With a bucket collection and book auction, CWAM managed to donate £335.71 to this admirable charity.
Thanks to Andy for the photo.