What does it cost?
From 2nd April 2024 the cost of an “Advanced Rider Course” is £215. It includes all your mentoring sessions, the advanced test fee and one year’s associate membership of IAM RoadSmart and CWAM with access to all group events. The only additional cost is a contribution (£15 per session) towards your observer’s expenses.
You can purchase the course via the IAM RoadSmart website, phone the Customer Care Team on T245K0lsNmFxWDU0d1VHL0tnPT0= or through our Membership Secretary, Mark on T250NUpFdUpyM3RyeFVHNA==. If you are already an Advanced Driver you will enjoy a discounted price.
After the first year
After the first year CWAM membership is only £10 (in the unlikely event of you not having passed the test by this time, renewal is £29 for the year).
Membership of IAM RoadSmart costs £48 per year (discounted to £43 if paid by direct debit).
Members registered as Fellows pay a membership subscription (£66, discounted to £61 paid by direct debit) which includes the three-yearly advanced test retake fee.
CWAM members must be members of IAM RoadSmart.