Post-test Training
Passing the Advanced Test is only the start of the skills programme CWAM has on offer. If you’re a keen biker who wants to enhance and develop your abilities there are several avenues available.
Post-test assessment
CWAM provides assessment and/or further development opportunities by means of one-off sessions with a member of Training Team. These can be designed around the member’s particular needs or treated as a refresher.
The sessions are pre-booked and last two to three hours. The format is similar to a standard check ride, starting with a briefing, followed by approximately 40 miles of riding on all classes of road. At the end the attendee will receive a full verbal debrief and a mark sheet detailing their riding standard in specific skill areas. These assessments must be pre-booked through CWAM’s training officer (see adjacent form). A contribution of £15 towards the observer's expenses plus refreshments is the norm.

IAM Advanced Riding Certificate F1RST
This higher level of pass is awarded to candidates who achieve a score of 1 (the highest score) in 25 out of the 27 skill categories on the Advanced Riding Test. Members who have already achieved a pass in the Advanced Riding Certificate can attempt to upgrade to a F1RST by retaking the Advanced Test. (Scores of 1 for ‘legality’ & ‘slow riding’ are mandatory). Our observer team will prepare you with pre-test assessment rides although achieving this higher standard is never guaranteed.
IAM RoadSmart Fellow membership
The Fellow membership tier is a commitment to keep members' advanced skills up to date by retesting every three years. This timeframe has been shown to be the optimum to refresh and renew roadcraft skills. Fellow membership costs slightly more than normal membership per year, but includes the cost of your retest. See IAM RoadSmart website for full details. To ensure you are test-ready talk to our Training Officer and take advantage of our post test assessment programme – see above.
Slow Riding Training Days
These half-day events are held periodically and are open to all associates and members. The sessions are designed to benefit everyone regardless of skill level. You can learn the art of slow riding from scratch in a relaxed atmosphere or practice and sharpen existing skills. Often included are techniques for manhandling or picking up a dropped bike. Our observers are always available to provide mentoring, guidance and instruction as required or requested.

IAM RoadSmart Masters
The Masters programme is open to all current IAM RoadSmart members. IAMRS provides one-to-one mentoring that will help you to attain the highest civilian riding qualification in the country. Full details of the Masters programme are on the IAM RoadSmart website. Our training officer ( will be happy to advise you.

CWAM Skills Days
CWAM offers occasional sessions aimed at specific skills. Slow riding offers you an opportunity to brush up your skills in a safe environment. Our Group Riding Sessions are specifically designed on-road workshops that will increase members' awareness and confidence in a group situation. Group riding is a very different animal to solo biking and it is highly recommended for those keen to join our social rides.
We also arrange ‘First on Scene’ and ‘First Aid’ sessions, which are usually facilitated by the emergency services.
Become a Qualified National Observer
The CWAM training team has developed an excellent observer training course and if you’re the right type of person, CWAM mentors will guide you through the various written and practical stages to becoming an IMI (Institute of the Motor Industry) qualified National Observer. By taking up the challenge, not only will you learn how to pass on your knowledge and improve your roadcraft, you will have the immense satisfaction of knowing that you played a significant role when associates you have helped pass their test.

IAM RoadSmart Rider Skills Day
These training sessions, run by IAM RoadSmart, are national events for members and associates. They are conducted at local race circuits but are not track days in the recognised sense. They provide expert tuition in rider skills and motorcycle control in the safe environment of a race track (good road surface and no oncoming traffic, street furniture or junctions). These days are excellent for improving one’s on-road confidence and learning how your motorcycle behaves at speed. Bookings must be done through the IAM RoadSmart website.