View From the Chair, December 2024 and Wishing You a Happy New Year!
Mark Lunt, Wednesday, 1 January 2025
Happy New Year to you all.
I trust that you have had a good festive period and that we can look forward to a good biking year in 2025. Fingers crossed!
From the Club point of view, there is little to report from December because we, traditionally, do not have a Club Night in the run up to Christmas and then the two potential Club Sundays were cancelled due to the weather. It seems that my wife is right (as always!!!) about tempting fate, which I obviously did with the last View from the Chair, where I said about it being unusual to have Club Sundays cancelled. We have obviously upset them, so has anyone any idea of what offering I can make to the Weather Gods to boost our chances of getting one going ahead? I see that next Sunday is covered by a weather warning for snow, so it may need to be something done a bit sharpish! (The actual decision will be taken by Andy, the Training Officer, closer to the time when the forecast is likely to be more accurate, so don't take my current musing as being indicative of whether or not the meeting will actually take place.)
So, as there is not a lot to look back on this last month, let's use the opportunity to look forward instead. Breaking with tradition, we do have a Club Night in January, on the 8th. It would be great to see a good turn out, so, if you are not otherwise engaged, it would be nice to see you there. The speaker is Neil Chorley who will be talking about his career with the Police, motorbikes and armed response. This sounds as if it could be a quite wide-ranging talk and one that would appeal to "other halves" or friends who are not necessarily as in to biking as you and I, so feel free to bring them along if you wish. It would be nice to make it a good social night.
And then, in February (19th. at Shilton Village Hall), we have the event of the year: The AGM. Two things arise from this. Firstly, note the date so that you can be there. Secondly, consider whether you fancy putting yourself forward for the committee. We can always do with new blood, as it were. If you want to learn how the Club functions - in the swan analogy, finding out what's happening below the water-line - joining the committee and helping out is a great way to do it. Keep your eyes peeled for the notices that will be sent out prior to the AGM, which will include nomination forms, etc. If you want any further details ask me or a member of the Committee. There is a constitutional limit on the number of committee members but we are currently below that number and experience suggests we are unlikely to butt up against the limit. If we did, that's what elections are for!
I hope to see you out and about, making the most of our bikes in the coming year. Best wishes for 2025.
Mark A. Lunt.
Chairman of CWAM.