CWAM Club Sundays and the Ad Hoc Rides
Nick Lilley, Saturday, 14 December 2024
In the ‘good old days’, which as any six year old Victorian chimney sweep would have told you, were not all they were cracked up to be, associates met at the Jaguar Sports and Social Club on alternate Sundays to be allocated an observer from whomever was available at the time. As an associate, I must admit that I quite liked the system because each of the observers had their own favourite routes and, being new to the area, I visited a lot of Warwickshire previously unknown to me. Also, because I was being mentored for so long, I met a sizeable proportion of the club membership. From the perspective on the other side of the fence, there was also the undeniable benefit that my staggering lack of ability was not borne by a single observer week after frustrating week.
A year or so after I passed my test, our current one to one mentoring replaced what was, I suppose, a bit of a lottery. This brought consistency, enabled a closer associate/observer relationship and probably reduced training times. An unforeseen consequence was that attendance at JSCC on Sunday mornings dwindled as observers and their allocated associates made their own meeting arrangements. To revitalise Sundays and stimulate group camaraderie, the committee, under Chair Roger B, promoted the idea of “Club Sundays”. As well as encouraging observers to meet their associates at JSSC, it was hoped members who had passed the test would meet up, socialise and more often than not, go for an informal ride. These started in April 2015 and grew in popularity, so much so that it’s not unusual to see 40 plus bikes lined up in the car park.

No matter what your thoughts on climate change may be, when I first joined CWAM, the norm from November to March, was to delay the 9am start until 10am to avoid the hazard of early morning frost and ice. After March 2017 this was abandoned; had winter conditions become softer or bikers harder? You decide.
Now, I wrote the previous paragraph back in September and just to confound me, we suffered a cold snap and snow this November sufficient to cancel a Club Sunday. A perfect demonstration of how fickle our weather can be and how easily I can be wrong-footed.
At the start of 2023, at the suggestion of Andy Spencer, who knows just about everything going on in the motorcycling Midlands, we elected to have a physical presence in the car park to deter would be ne’er-do-wells from helping themselves whilst we were enjoying a cuppa in the club. They may be more Home Guard than deadly Ninja but we are lucky to have a pool of uncomplaining volunteers who patrol, protect and brave the elements for us.
It was shortly after Covid restrictions were lifted that the committee thought the ad hoc Club Sunday rides would benefit by having a sheepdog to gather the flock into a single pen. As the designated sheepdog I’ve found it the easiest of job I’ve ever had because there is always an eagerness amongst those not involved in check rides to be rounded up. There’s an element of the unexpected (usually good) as riders don’t know who will lead, the eventual destination or the size of the group, until shortly before departure. It’s not always easy to talk somebody into leading but fortunately someone always steps up. The rides are very popular, so much so that on occasion I have pondered the advisability of splitting into two smaller groups but that is a discussion for another day.

Although declining in number, it’s surprising just how many cafés are within an hour’s ride of Coventry. We’re always on the lookout for new destinations so if you find somewhere suitable with reasonable parking and crucially, open on Sunday mornings, please don’t keep it to yourself. Pop it on our Facebook page or let me know.
If you are considering leading an official CWAM Social Ride, the Sunday ad hoc rides are an ideal proving ground before you take the plunge. Although we adhere to CWAM standards of riding, they are very relaxed affairs ending with a cuppa and food.
So, if you fancy a short ride on Sunday morning, pop along to JSSC, no booking necessary, just turn up. You don't have to be a full member to join in, associates not otherwise engaged are always welcome.